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Our Work

Take a look at these clips to get an idea of the style and quality
you could expect in your video.

Take a look at these clips to get an idea
of the style and quality you
could expect in your video.

The Wedding

This is a good example of the “Full Biography” package, our most sophisticated package offered at FHS. Contact us for more details.

Features include:

  • Research – find, animate and edit in old newspaper clipping
  • Two interviews
  • An extra location shooting day
  • Several scanned and cleaned up photos edited into project
  • 8mm film footage transferred to digital files and edited into project
  • Various licensed music clips
  • Voice-over (which can be included if the client wishes it, though we don’t encourage it as we aim to use the storyteller’s voice to guide their own narrative)

Fort Henry

This short clip illustrates a fun way photos and sound effects can enhance the story.

Features Include:

  • Storyteller’s interview lightly edited to remove pauses, stumbles, repetition, digression, etc…
  • The use of troop-marching sound effects (obtained from a licensed sound effects site, with small additional expense) over scanned, digitized and animated photos.

King George

This clip is an example of the “Life Highlights” and “Full Biography” Packages that FHS offers.

Features Include:

  • Research, find, obtain permission to use, and edit in historical photos to illustrate context of the times the storyteller is recounting.
  • Extra location shoot in Victoria, BC. (this would require extra travel expenses)
  • Create and edit in old cinema black and white effect to help viewer imagine the Japanese war ships off the coast of Vancouver Island during WWII.

Discussing Bob

This is another example of  the “Life Highlights” or “Full Biography” Packages that FHS offers.

Features Include:

  • Several scanned and cleaned up photos edited into project
  • 8mm and 16mm film from the 50s and 60s transferred to digital files and edited into the project.
  • Licensed music, searched, selected and edited into the project. The fee is included in package price. We don’t use commercial music.


Here are a few short segments highlighting Jutta’s 45-minute life story video that display a couple of notable features:

  • Video comments from two of her loved ones are added to enhance her story, which you can also include in your life story video.
  • Don’t have 8mm home movies or video clips from an old Handycam, but want more than photos, captions and music added in? Don’t fret. You can add recent video from an iPhone into your video project, like we do here. So many possibilities. Take a look!


Here’s an example of taking advantage of a terrific opportunity. Before I arrived to video interview Dashamir, he and his family had dug up and displayed many priceless family photos over their dining room table. So when we took a break, I simply filmed over as many photos as I could and later edited them together over heart-warming music to create this introduction to his life story video.


In this short excerpt from Elizabeth’s life story video she describes her very humble yet loving first few years in rural Manitoba that laid a strong foundation to her extraordinary life!

Wait until the end as we film over her shoulder while she looks at precious photos and adds interesting anecdotes to each. This is a fun feature we offer storytellers, especially those who may not have many photos from their early years.

We shot and edited in several of these moments throughout Elizabeth’s video and they considerably enriched her story.